2.6. Printing#

OCaml has built-in printing functions for a few of the built-in primitive types: print_char, print_string, print_int, and print_float. There’s also a print_endline function, which is like print_string, but also outputs a newline.

print_endline "Camels are bae"
Camels are bae
- : unit = ()

2.6.1. Unit#

Let’s look at the types of a couple of those functions:

- : string -> unit = <fun>
- : string -> unit = <fun>

They both take a string as input and return a value of type unit, which we haven’t seen before. There is only one value of this type, which is written () and is also pronounced “unit”. So unit is like bool, except there is one fewer value of type unit than there is of bool.

Unit is used when you need to take an argument or return a value, but there’s no interesting value to pass or return. It is the equivalent of void in Java, and is similar to None in Python. Unit is often used when you’re writing or using code that has side effects. Printing is an example of a side effect: it changes the world and can’t be undone.

2.6.2. Semicolon#

If you want to print one thing after another, you could sequence some print functions using nested let expressions:

let _ = print_endline "Camels" in
let _ = print_endline "are" in
print_endline "bae"
- : unit = ()

The let _ = e syntax above is a way of evaluating e but not binding its value to any name. Indeed, we know the value each of those print_endline functions will return: it will always be (), the unit value. So there’s no good reason to bind it to a variable name. We could also write let () = e to indicate we know it’s just a unit value that we don’t care about:

let () = print_endline "Camels" in
let () = print_endline "are" in
print_endline "bae"
- : unit = ()

But either way the boilerplate of all the let..in is annoying to have to write! So there’s a special syntax that can be used to chain together multiple functions that return unit. The expression e1; e2 first evaluates e1, which should evaluate to (), then discards that value, and evaluates e2. So we could rewrite the above code as:

print_endline "Camels";
print_endline "are";
print_endline "bae"
- : unit = ()

That is more idiomatic OCaml code, and it also looks more natural to imperative programmers.


There is no semicolon after the final print_endline in that example. A common mistake is to put a semicolon after each print statement. Instead, the semicolons go strictly between statements. That is, semicolon is a statement separator not a statement terminator. If you were to add a semicolon at the end, you could get a syntax error depending on the surrounding code.

2.6.3. Ignore#

If e1 does not have type unit, then e1; e2 will give a warning, because you are discarding a potentially useful value. If that is truly your intent, you can call the built-in function ignore : 'a -> unit to convert any value to ():

(ignore 3); 5
- : int = 5

Actually ignore is easy to implement yourself:

let ignore x = ()
val ignore : 'a -> unit = <fun>

Or you can even write underscore to indicate the function takes in a value but does not bind that value to a name. That means the function can never use that value in its body. But that’s okay: we want to ignore it.

let ignore _ = ()
val ignore : 'a -> unit = <fun>

2.6.4. Printf#

For complicated text outputs, using the built-in functions for primitive type printing quickly becomes tedious. For example, suppose you wanted to write a function to print a statistic:

(** [print_stat name num] prints [name: num]. *)
let print_stat name num =
  print_string name;
  print_string ": ";
  print_float num;
  print_newline ()
val print_stat : string -> float -> unit = <fun>
print_stat "mean" 84.39
mean: 84.39
- : unit = ()

How could we shorten print_stat? In Java you might use the overloaded + operator to turn all objects into strings:

void print_stat(String name, double num) {
   System.out.println(name + ": " + num);

But OCaml values are not objects, and they do not have a toString() method they inherit from some root Object class. Nor does OCaml permit overloading of operators.

Long ago though, FORTRAN invented a different solution that other languages like C and Java and even Python support. The idea is to use a format specifier to —as the name suggest— specify how to format output. The name this idea is best known under is probably “printf”, which refers to the name of the C library function that implemented it. Many other languages and libraries still use that name, including OCaml’s Printf module.

Here’s how we’d use printf to re-implement print_stat:

let print_stat name num =
  Printf.printf "%s: %F\n%!" name num
val print_stat : string -> float -> unit = <fun>
print_stat "mean" 84.39
mean: 84.39
- : unit = ()

The first argument to function Printf.printf is the format specifier. It looks like a string, but there’s more to it than that. It’s actually understood by the OCaml compiler in quite a deep way. Inside the format specifier there are:

  • plain characters, and

  • conversion specifiers, which begin with %.

There are about two dozen conversion specifiers available, which you can read about in the documentation of Printf. Let’s pick apart the format specifier above as an example.

  • It starts with "%s", which is the conversion specifier for strings. That means the next argument to printf must be a string, and the contents of that string will be output.

  • It continues with ": ", which are just plain characters. Those are inserted into the output.

  • It then has another conversion specifier, %F. That means the next argument of printf must have type float, and will be output in the same format that OCaml uses to print floats.

  • The newline "\n" after that is another plain character sequence.

  • Finally, the conversion specifier "%!" means to flush the output buffer. As you might have learned in earlier programming classes, output is often buffered, meaning that it doesn’t all happen at once or right away. Flushing the buffer ensures that anything still sitting in the buffer gets output immediately. This specifier is special in that it doesn’t actually need another argument to printf.

If the type of an argument is incorrect with respect to the conversion specifier, OCaml will detect that. Let’s add a type annotation to force num to be an int, and see what happens with the float conversion specifier %F:

let print_stat name (num : int) =
  Printf.printf "%s: %F\n%!" name num
File "[14]", line 2, characters 34-37:
2 |   Printf.printf "%s: %F\n%!" name num
Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type

To fix that, we can change to the conversion specifier for int, which is %i:

let print_stat name num =
  Printf.printf "%s: %i\n%!" name num
val print_stat : string -> int -> unit = <fun>

Another very useful variant of printf is sprintf, which collects the output in string instead of printing it:

let string_of_stat name num =
  Printf.sprintf "%s: %F" name num
val string_of_stat : string -> float -> string = <fun>
string_of_stat "mean" 84.39
- : string = "mean: 84.39"