8.3. Red-Black Trees#

As we’ve now seen, hash tables are an efficient data structure for implementing a map ADT. They offer amortized, expected constant-time performance—which is a subtle guarantee because of those “amortized” and “expected” qualifiers we have to add. Hash tables also require mutability to implement. As functional programmers, we prefer to avoid mutability when possible.

So, let’s investigate how to implement functional maps. One of the best data structures for that is the red-black tree, which is a kind of balanced binary search tree that offers worst-case logarithmic performance. So on one hand the performance is somewhat worse than hash tables (logarithmic vs. constant), but on the other hand we don’t have to qualify the performance with words like “amortized” and “expected”. Logarithmic is actually still plenty efficient for even very large workloads. And, we get to avoid mutability!

8.3.1. Binary Search Trees#

A binary search tree (BST) is a binary tree with the following representation invariant:

For any node n, every node in the left subtree of n has a value less than n’s value, and every node in the right subtree of n has a value greater than n’s value.

We call that the BST Invariant.

Here is code that implements a couple of operations on a BST:

type 'a tree = Node of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree | Leaf

(** [mem x t] is [true] iff [x] is a member of [t]. *)
let rec mem x = function
  | Leaf -> false
  | Node (y, l, r) ->
    if x < y then mem x l
    else if x > y then mem x r
    else true

(** [insert x t] is [t] with [x] inserted as a member. *)
let rec insert x = function
  | Leaf -> Node (x, Leaf, Leaf)
  | Node (y, l, r) as t ->
    if x < y then Node (y, insert x l, r)
    else if x > y then Node (y, l, insert x r)
    else t
type 'a tree = Node of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree | Leaf
val mem : 'a -> 'a tree -> bool = <fun>
val insert : 'a -> 'a tree -> 'a tree = <fun>

What is the running time of those operations? Since insert is just a mem with an extra constant-time node creation, we focus on the mem operation.

The running time of mem is \(O(h)\), where \(h\) is the height of the tree, because every recursive call descends one level in the tree. What’s the worst-case height of a tree? It occurs with a tree of \(n\) nodes all in a single long branch—imagine adding the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 in order into the tree. So the worst-case running time of mem is still \(O(n)\), where \(n\) is the number of nodes in the tree.

What is a good shape for a tree that would allow for fast lookup? A perfect binary tree, in which every leaf is at the bottom level, has the smallest possible height for the number of nodes in it. Consider this perfect tree:

Node (2, Node (1, Leaf, Leaf), Node (3, Leaf, Leaf))

We can draw it like this, where . indicates a Leaf, and where we depict the height of each level of the tree:

        2              2
       / \
     1     3           1
    / \   / \
   .   . .   .         0

The number of nodes \(n\) in a perfect binary tree is exponential in the tree’s height \(h\). (Note that by “node” here we specifically mean Node not Leaf.) In particular, \(n = 2^h - 1\) (which is a fact that we could prove by induction). Therefore \(h = \log_2(n+1)\), which is \(O(\log n)\). Lookup operations on a perfect binary search tree would therefore run in logarithmic time.

Of course, not every tree is perfect. But if we could keep all paths in the tree close to logarithmic in length, then we could still get good performance. A balanced tree data structure does that: when an element is added or removed, the tree shape may be changed to ensure that the path lengths do not grow too long. Some examples of balanced binary search tree data structures, in order from strongest to weakest constraints on path lengths, include:

  • 2-3 trees (Hopcroft, 1970): all paths have the same length.

  • AVL trees (Adelson-Velsky and Landis, 1962): the length of the shortest and longest path differ by at most one.

  • Red-black trees (Guibas and Sedgewick, 1978): the length of the shortest and longest path differ by at most a factor of two.

Each of those data structures ensures \(O(\log n)\) running time. Next we will study red-black trees, which have a particularly nice implementation based on algebraic data types and pattern matching.

8.3.2. Red-Black Trees#

Red-black trees are relatively simple balanced binary tree data structure. We color each node of the tree either red or black.

type color = Red | Black
type 'a rbtree = Leaf | Node of color * 'a * 'a rbtree * 'a rbtree
type color = Red | Black
type 'a rbtree = Leaf | Node of color * 'a * 'a rbtree * 'a rbtree

Note that when we write “node” in this discussion we mean the Node constructor; a Leaf is not a node. We require the root node of a non-empty tree to be colored black.

In addition to the binary search tree representation invariant, red-black trees must also satisfy these invariants:

  1. Local Invariant: There are no two adjacent red nodes along any path.

  2. Global Invariant: Every full path (a path from the root to a leaf) has the same number of black nodes. This number is called the black height of the tree.

If a tree satisfies these two conditions, it must also be the case that every subtree of the tree also satisfies the conditions. If a subtree violated either of the conditions, the whole tree would also. Balance#

The red-black tree invariants ensure that the tree stays balanced. The balance is not necessarily perfect — some full paths can be longer than other full paths — but as the following theorem states, the imbalance cannot be too bad.

Theorem. The length of the longest full path in a red-black tree is at most twice the length of the shortest full path.

Proof. By the Global Invariant, both the longest and shortest full paths must have the same number of black nodes, \(b\), which is the black height of the tree. (If there are ties for the longest full path or the shortest full path, it doesn’t matter. Consider any path among those that are tied.) If the shortest has no red nodes, then its length is just \(b\). By the Local Invariant, the longest could at most double that length by adding \(b\) red nodes. For example, suppose the shortest full path is B-B-B-B-Leaf, where “B” indicates a black node. That has length four. What is the longest full path the tree could potentially have given its black height? It would be a path that adds one red node after each black node — that is, B-R-B-R-B-R-B-R-Leaf, where “R” indicates a red node. The length of that is eight, which is double the length of the shortest. □ Membership#

We check for membership in red-black trees exactly the same way as for binary search trees:

let rec mem x = function
  | Leaf -> false
  | Node (_, y, l, r) ->
    if x < y then mem x l
    else if x > y then mem x r
    else true
val mem : 'a -> 'a rbtree -> bool = <fun>

What is the efficiency of mem? In the worst case it recurses down to the lowest leaf in the tree and does not find the element x — that is, the running time is determined by the height of the tree. The height of a red-black tree is logarithmic in the number of nodes, as the following theorem establishes.

Theorem. A red-black tree with \(n\) nodes has height \(h\) that is at most \(O(\log n)\).

Proof. Let \(b\) be the black height of the tree — that is, the number of black nodes on every full path. We will use \(b\) to establish a relationship between \(h\) and \(n\) in the following two lemmas.

Lemma 1: \(h \leq 2b\). Consider any full path of nodes of length \(h\). There must be \(b\) black nodes on the path. If there are some red nodes, then as we argued above in the proof about balance, there can be at most \(b\) of them. The path therefore has length at most \(2b\). Thus, \(h \leq 2b\).

Lemma 2: \(n \geq 2^b - 1\). Consider the black nodes in the tree. Since every full path must have \(b\) black nodes, we could form a perfect tree of height \(b\) out of those nodes. (Start at the root, which is black. Keep it. Recurse to each child. If the child is black, keep it. If it is red and has no children, throw it away. If it is red and has children those children must be black; arbitrarily pick one to replace the red node and throw away the other black child.) That perfect tree would have at least \(2^b - 1\) nodes, as discussed above. Thus, \(n \geq 2^b - 1\).

Finally: We can rewrite Lemma 2 as follows:

\[\begin{split} & n \geq 2^b - 1 \\ & \equiv 2^b \leq n + 1 \\ & \equiv b \leq \log_2(n + 1) \\ & \equiv 2b \leq 2 \log_2(n + 1) \end{split}\]

Then with Lemma 1 we can relax the lower bound of \(2b\) on the left-hand side of that inequality to \(h\), thus obtaining \(h \leq 2 \log_2(n + 1)\). Therefore \(h\) is at most \(O(\log n)\). □ Insertion: Okasaki’s Algorithm#

More interesting is the insert operation. As with standard binary trees, we add a node by replacing the leaf found by the search procedure. But what can we color that node?

  • Coloring it black could increase the black height of that path, violating the Global Invariant.

  • Coloring it red could make it adjacent to another red node, violating the Local Invariant.

So neither choice is safe in general. Chris Okasaki (Purely Functional Data Structures, 1999) gives an elegant algorithm that solves the problem by opting to violate the Local Invariant, then walk up the tree to repair the violation. Here’s how it works.

We always color the new node red to ensure that the Global Invariant is preserved. If the new node’s parent is already black, then the Local Invariant has not been violated. In that case, we are done with the insertion: there has been no violation, and no work is needed to repair the tree. One common case in which this case occurs is when the new node’s parent is the tree’s root, which will already be colored black.

But if the new node’s parent is red, then the Local Invariant has been violated. In this case, the new node’s parent cannot be the tree’s root (which is black), therefore the new node has a grandparent. That grandparent must be black, because the Local Invariant held before we inserted the new node. Now we have work to do to restore the Local Invariant.

The next figure shows the four possible violations that can arise. In it, a-d are possibly empty subtrees, and x-z are values stored at a node. The nodes colors are indicated with R and B. We’ve marked the lower of the two violating red nodes with square brackets. As we begin repairing the tree, that marked node will be the new node we just inserted. Therefore it will have no children—for example, in case 1, a and b would be leaves. (Later on, though, as we walk up the tree to continue the repair, we can encounter situations in which the marked node has non-empty subtrees.)

           1             2             3             4

           Bz            Bz            Bx            Bx
          / \           / \           / \           / \
         Ry  d         Rx  d         a   Rz        a   Ry
        /  \          / \               /  \          /  \
     [Rx]  c         a  [Ry]          [Ry]  d        b   [Rz]
     /  \               /  \          / \                /  \
    a    b             b    c        b   c              c    d

Notice that in each of these trees, we’ve carefully labeled the values and nodes such that the BST Invariant ensures the following ordering:

all nodes in a
    all nodes in b
        all nodes in c
            all nodes in d

Therefore, we can transform the tree to restore the Local Invariant by replacing any of the above four cases with:

        /  \
      Bx    Bz
     / \   / \
    a   b c   d

This transformation is called a rotation by some authors. Think of y as being a kind of axis or center of the tree. All the other nodes and subtrees move around it as part of the rotation. Okasaki calls the transformation a balance operation. Think of it as improving the balance of the tree, as you can see in the shape of the final tree above compared to the original four cases. This balance function can be written simply and concisely using pattern matching, where each of the four input cases is mapped to the same output case. In addition, there is the case where the tree is left unchanged locally.

let balance = function
  | Black, z, Node (Red, y, Node (Red, x, a, b), c), d
  | Black, z, Node (Red, x, a, Node (Red, y, b, c)), d
  | Black, x, a, Node (Red, z, Node (Red, y, b, c), d)
  | Black, x, a, Node (Red, y, b, Node (Red, z, c, d)) ->
    Node (Red, y, Node (Black, x, a, b), Node (Black, z, c, d))
  | a, b, c, d -> Node (a, b, c, d)
val balance : color * 'a * 'a rbtree * 'a rbtree -> 'a rbtree = <fun>

Why does a rotation (i.e., the balance operation) preserve the BST Invariant? Inspect the figures above to convince yourself that the rotated tree ensures the proper ordering of all the nodes and subtrees. The choice of which labels were placed where in the first figure was clever, and is what guarantees that the final tree has the same labels in all four cases.

Why does a rotation preserve the Global Invariant? Before a rotation, the tree satisfies the Global Invariant. That means the subtrees a-d below the grandparent all have the same black height, and the grandparent adds one to that height. In the rotated tree, the subtrees are all at the same level, but now x and z add one to that height. The overall black height of the tree has not changed, and each path continues to have the same black height.

Why does a rotation establish the Local Invariant? The only Local Invariant violation in the tree before the rotation involved the marked node. After the rotation, that violation has been eliminated. Moreover, since x and z are colored black after the rotation, they cannot be creating new Local Invariant violations with the root (if any) of subtrees a-d. However, the root of the rotated tree is now y and is colored red. If that node has a parent—that is, if the grandparent in cases 1-4 was not the root of the entire tree—then it’s possible we just created a new Local Invariant violation between y and its parent!

To address that possible new violation, we need to continue walking up the tree from y to the root, and fix further Local Invariant violations as we go. In the worst case, the process cascades all the way up to the top of the tree and results in two adjacent red nodes, one of which has just become the root. But if this happens, we can just recolor this new root from red to black. That finishes restoring the Local Invariant. It also preserves the Global Invariant while increasing the total black height of the entire tree by one—and that is the only way the black height increases from an insertion. The insert code using balance is as follows:

let insert x s =
  let rec ins = function
    | Leaf -> Node (Red, x, Leaf, Leaf)
    | Node (color, y, a, b) as s ->
      if x < y then balance (color, y, ins a, b)
      else if x > y then balance (color, y, a, ins b)
      else s
  match ins s with
  | Node (_, y, a, b) -> Node (Black, y, a, b)
  | Leaf -> (* guaranteed to be non-empty *)
    failwith "RBT insert failed with ins returning leaf"
val insert : 'a -> 'a rbtree -> 'a rbtree = <fun>

The amount of work done by insert is \(O(\log n)\). It recurses with ins down the tree to a leaf, which is where the insert occurs, then calls balance at each step on the way back up. The path to the leaf has length \(O(\log n)\), because the tree was already balanced. And, each call to balance is \(O(1)\) work. Removal#

Removing an element from a red-black tree works analogously. We start with a BST element removal and then do rebalancing. When an interior (nonleaf) node is removed, we simply splice it out if it has fewer than two nonleaf children; if it has two nonleaf children, we find the next value in the tree, which must be found inside its right child.

But, balancing the trees during removal from red-black tree requires considering more cases. Deleting a black element from the tree creates the possibility that some path in the tree has too few black nodes, breaking the Global Invariant.

Germane and Might invented an elegant algorithm to handle that rebalancing Their solution is to create “doubly-black” nodes that count twice in determining the black height. For more, read their paper: Deletion: The Curse of the Red-Black Tree Journal of Functional Programming, volume 24, issue 4, July 2014.

8.3.3. Maps and Sets from BSTs#

It’s easy to use a BST to implement either a map or a set ADT:

  • For a map, just store a binding at each node. The nodes are ordered by the keys. The values are irrelevant to the ordering.

  • For a set, just store an element at each node. The nodes are ordered by the elements.

The OCaml standard library does this for the Map and Set modules. It uses a balanced BST that is a variant of an AVL tree. AVL trees are balanced BSTs in which the height of paths is allowed to vary by at most 1. The OCaml standard library modifies that to allow the height to vary by at most 2. Like red-black trees, they achieve worst-case logarithmic performance.

Now that we have a functional map data structure, how does it compare to our imperative version, the hash table?

  • Persistence: Our red-black trees are persistent, but hash tables are ephemeral.

  • Performance: We get guaranteed worst-case logarithmic performance with red-black trees, but amortized, expected constant-time with hash tables. That’s somewhat hard to compare given all the modifiers involved. It’s also an example of a general phenomenon that persistent data structures often have to pay an extra logarithmic cost over the equivalent ephemeral data structures.

  • Convenience: We have to provide an ordering function for balanced binary trees, and a hash function for hash tables. Most libraries provide a default hash function for convenience. But the performance of the hash table does depend on that hash function truly distributing keys randomly over buckets. If it doesn’t, the “expected” part of the performance guarantee for hash tables is violated. So the convenience is a double-edged sword.

There isn’t a clear winner here. Since the OCaml library provides both Map and Hashtbl, you get to choose.