9.3. Substitution Model#

After lexing and parsing, the next phase is type checking (and other semantic analysis). We will skip that phase for now and return to it at the end of this chapter.

Instead, let’s turn our attention to evaluation. In a compiler, the next phase after semantic analysis would be rewriting the AST into an intermediate representation (IR), in preparation for translating the program into machine code. An interpreter might also rewrite the AST into an IR, or it might directly begin evaluating the AST. One reason to rewrite the AST would be to simplify it: sometimes, certain language features can be implemented in terms of others, and it makes sense to reduce the language to a small core to keep the interpreter implementation shorter. Syntactic sugar is a great example of that idea.

Eliminating syntactic sugar is called desugaring. As an example, we know that let x = e1 in e2 and (fun x -> e2) e1 are equivalent. So, we could regard let expressions as syntactic sugar.

Suppose we had a language whose AST corresponded to this BNF:

e ::= x | fun x -> e | e1 e2
    | let x = e1 in e2

Then the interpreter could desugar that into a simpler AST—in a sense, an IR—by transforming all occurrences of let x = e1 in e2 into (fun x -> e2) e1. Then the interpreter would need to evaluate only this smaller language:

e ::= x | fun x -> e | e1 e2

After having simplified the AST, it’s time to evaluate it. Evaluation is the process of continuing to simplify the AST until it’s just a value. In other words, evaluation is the implementation of the language’s dynamic semantics. Recall that a value is an expression for which there is no computation remaining to be done. Typically, we think of values as a strict syntactic subset of expressions, though we’ll see some exceptions to that later.

Big vs. small step evaluation. We’ll define evaluation with a mathematical relation, just as we did with type checking. Actually, we’re going to define three relations for evaluation:

  • The first, -->, will represent how a program takes one single step of execution.

  • The second, -->*, is the reflexive transitive closure of -->, and it represents how a program takes multiple steps of execution.

  • The third, ==>, abstracts away from all the details of single steps and represents how a program reduces directly to a value.

The style in which we are defining evaluation with these relations is known as operational semantics, because we’re using the relations to specify how the machine “operates” as it evaluates programs. There are two other major styles, known as denotational semantics and axiomatic semantics, but we won’t cover those here.

We can further divide operational semantics into two separate sub-styles of defining evaluation: small step vs. big step semantics. The first relation, -->, is in the small-step style, because it represents execution in terms of individual small steps. The third, ==>, is in the big-step style, because it represents execution in terms of a big step from an expression directly to a value. The second relation, -->*, blends the two. Indeed, our desire is for it to bridge the gap in the following sense:

Relating big and small steps: For all expressions e and values v, it holds that e -->* v if and only if e ==> v.

In other words, if an expression takes many small steps and eventually reaches a value, e.g., e --> e1 --> .... --> en --> v, then it ought to be the case that e ==> v. So the big step relation is a faithful abstraction of the small step relation: it just forgets about all the intermediate steps.

Why have two different styles, big and small? Each is a little easier to use than the other in certain circumstances, so it helps to have both in our toolkit. The small-step semantics tends to be easier to work with when it comes to modeling complicated language features, but the big-step semantics tends to be more similar to how an interpreter would actually be implemented.

Substitution vs. environment models. There’s another choice we have to make, and it’s orthogonal to the choice of small vs. big step. There are two different ways to think about the implementation of variables:

  • We could eagerly substitute the value of a variable for its name throughout the scope of that name, as soon as we find a binding of the variable.

  • We could lazily record the substitution in a dictionary, which is usually called an environment when used for this purpose, and we could look up the variable’s value in that environment whenever we find its name mentioned in a scope.

Those ideas lead to the substitution model of evaluation and the environment model of evaluation. As with small step vs. big step, the substitution model tends to be nicer to work with mathematically, whereas the environment model tends to be more similar to how an interpreter is implemented.

Some examples will help to make sense of all this. Let’s look, next, at how to define the relations for SimPL.

9.3.1. Evaluating SimPL in the Substitution Model#

Let’s begin by defining a small-step substitution-model semantics for SimPL. That is, we’re going to define a relation --> that represents how an expression take a single step at a time, and we’ll implement variables using substitution of values for names.

Recall the syntax of SimPL:

e ::= x | i | b | e1 bop e2
    | if e1 then e2 else e3
    | let x = e1 in e2

bop ::= + | * | <=

We’re going to need to know when expressions are done evaluating, that is, when they are considered to be values. For SimPL, we’ll define the values as follows:

v ::= i | b

That is, a value is either an integer constant or a Boolean constant.

For each of the syntactic forms that a SimPL expression could have, we’ll now define some evaluation rules, which constitute an inductive definition of the --> relation. Each rule will have the form e --> e', meaning that e takes a single step to e'.

Although variables are given first in the BNF, let’s pass over them for now, and come back to them after all the other forms.

Constants. Integer and Boolean constants are already values, so they cannot take a step. That might at first seem surprising, but remember that we are intending to also define a -->* relation that will permit zero or more steps; whereas, the --> relation represents exactly one step.

Technically, all we have to do to accomplish this is to just not write any rules of the form i --> e or b --> e for some e. So we’re already done, actually: we haven’t defined any rules yet.

Let’s introduce another notation written e -/->, which is meant to look like an arrow with a slash through it, to mean “there does not exist an e' such that e --> e'”. Using that we could write:

  • i -/->

  • b -/->

Though not strictly speaking part of the definition of -->, those propositions help us remember that constants do not step. In fact, we could more generally write, “for all v, it holds that v -/->.”

Binary operators. A binary operator application e1 bop e2 has two subexpressions, e1 and e2. That leads to some choices about how to evaluate the expression:

  • We could first evaluate the left-hand side e1, then the right-hand side e2, then apply the operator.

  • Or we could do the right-hand side first, then the left-hand side.

  • Or we could interleave the evaluation, first doing a step of e1, then of e2, then e1, then e2, etc.

  • Or maybe the operator is a short-circuit operator, in which case one of the subexpressions might never be evaluated.

And there are many other strategies you might be able to invent.

It turns out that the OCaml language definition says that (for non-short-circuit operators) it is unspecified which side is evaluated first. The current implementation happens to evaluate the right-hand side first, but that’s not something any programmer should rely upon.

Many people would expect left-to-right evaluation, so let’s define the --> relation for that. We start by saying that the left-hand side can take a step:

e1 bop e2 --> e1' bop e2
  if e1 --> e1'

Similarly to the type system for SimPL, this rule says that two expressions are in the --> relation if two other (simpler) subexpressions are also in the --> relation. That’s what makes it an inductive definition.

If the left-hand side is finished evaluating, then the right-hand side may begin stepping:

v1 bop e2 --> v1 bop e2'
  if e2 --> e2'

Finally, when both sides have reached a value, the binary operator may be applied:

v1 bop v2 --> v
  if v is the result of primitive operation v1 bop v2

By primitive operation, we mean that there is some underlying notion of what bop actually means. For example, the character + is just a piece of syntax, but we are conditioned to understand its meaning as an arithmetic addition operation. The primitive operation typically is something implemented by hardware (e.g., an ADD opcode), or by a run-time library (e.g., a pow function).

For SimPL, let’s delegate all primitive operations to OCaml. That is, the SimPL + operator will be the same as the OCaml + operator, as will * and <=.

Here’s an example of using the binary operator rule:

    (3*1000) + ((1*100) + ((1*10) + 0))
--> 3000 + ((1*100) + ((1*10) + 0))
--> 3000 + (100 + ((1*10) + 0))
--> 3000 + (100 + (10 + 0))
--> 3000 + (100 + 10)
--> 3000 + 110
--> 3110

If expressions. As with binary operators, there are many choices of how to evaluate the subexpressions of an if expression. Nonetheless, most programmers would expect the guard to be evaluated first, then only one of the branches to be evaluated, because that’s how most languages work. So let’s write evaluation rules for that semantics.

First, the guard is evaluated to a value:

if e1 then e2 else e3 --> if e1' then e2 else e3
  if e1 --> e1'

Then, based on the guard, the if expression is simplified to just one of the branches:

if true then e2 else e3 --> e2

if false then e2 else e3 --> e3

Let expressions. Let’s make SimPL let expressions evaluate in the same way as OCaml let expressions: first the binding expression, then the body.

The rule that steps the binding expression is:

let x = e1 in e2 --> let x = e1' in e2
  if e1 --> e1'

Next, if the binding expression has reached a value, we want to substitute that value for the name of the variable in the body expression:

let x = v1 in e2 --> e2 with v1 substituted for x

For example, let x = 42 in x + 1 should step to 42 + 1, because substituting 42 for x in x + 1 yields 42 + 1.

Of course, the right-hand side of that rule isn’t really an expression. It’s just giving an intuition for the expression that we really want. We need to formally define what “substitute” means. It turns out to be rather tricky. So, rather than getting side-tracked by it right now, let’s assume a new notation: e'{e/x}, which means, “the expression e' with e substituted for x.” We’ll come back to that notation in the next section and give it a careful definition.

For now, we can add this rule:

let x = v1 in e2 --> e2{v1/x}

Variables. Note how the let expression rule eliminates a variable from showing up in the body expression: the variable’s name is replaced by the value that variable should have. So, we should never reach the point of attempting to step a variable name—assuming that the program was well-typed.

Consider OCaml: if we try to evaluate an expression with an unbound variable, what happens? Let’s check utop:

# x;;
Error: Unbound value x

# let y = x in y;;
Error: Unbound value x

It’s an error —a type-checking error— for an expression to contain an unbound variable. Thus, any well-typed expression e will never reach the point of attempting to step a variable name.

As with constants, we therefore don’t need to add any rules for variables. But, for clarity, we could state that x -/->.

9.3.2. Implementing the Single-Step Relation#

It’s easy to turn the above definitions of --> into an OCaml function that pattern matches against AST nodes. In the code below, recall that we have not yet finished defining substitution (i.e., subst); we’ll return to that in the next section.

(** [is_value e] is whether [e] is a value. *)
let is_value : expr -> bool = function
  | Int _ | Bool _ -> true
  | Var _ | Let _ | Binop _ | If _ -> false

(** [subst e v x] is [e{v/x}]. *)
let subst _ _ _ =
  failwith "See next section"

(** [step] is the [-->] relation, that is, a single step of
    evaluation. *)
let rec step : expr -> expr = function
  | Int _ | Bool _ -> failwith "Does not step"
  | Var _ -> failwith "Unbound variable"
  | Binop (bop, e1, e2) when is_value e1 && is_value e2 ->
    step_bop bop e1 e2
  | Binop (bop, e1, e2) when is_value e1 ->
    Binop (bop, e1, step e2)
  | Binop (bop, e1, e2) -> Binop (bop, step e1, e2)
  | Let (x, e1, e2) when is_value e1 -> subst e2 e1 x
  | Let (x, e1, e2) -> Let (x, step e1, e2)
  | If (Bool true, e2, _) -> e2
  | If (Bool false, _, e3) -> e3
  | If (Int _, _, _) -> failwith "Guard of if must have type bool"
  | If (e1, e2, e3) -> If (step e1, e2, e3)

(** [step_bop bop v1 v2] implements the primitive operation
    [v1 bop v2].  Requires: [v1] and [v2] are both values. *)
and step_bop bop e1 e2 = match bop, e1, e2 with
  | Add, Int a, Int b -> Int (a + b)
  | Mult, Int a, Int b -> Int (a * b)
  | Leq, Int a, Int b -> Bool (a <= b)
  | _ -> failwith "Operator and operand type mismatch"

The only new thing we had to deal with in that implementation was the two places where a run-time type error is discovered, namely, in the evaluation of If (Int _, _, _) and in the very last line, in which we discover that a binary operator is being applied to arguments of the wrong type. Type checking will guarantee that an exception never gets raised here, but OCaml’s exhaustiveness analysis of pattern matching forces us to write a branch nonetheless. Moreover, if it ever turned out that we had a bug in our type checker that caused ill-typed binary operator applications to be evaluated, this exception would help us discover what was going wrong.

9.3.3. The Multistep Relation#

Now that we’ve defined -->, there’s really nothing left to do to define -->*. It’s just the reflexive transitive closure of -->. In other words, it can be defined with just these two rules:

e -->* e

e -->* e''
  if e --> e' and e' -->* e''

Of course, in implementing an interpreter, what we really want is to take as many steps as possible until the expression reaches a value. That is, we’re interested in the sub-relation e -->* v in which the right-hand side is a not just an expression, but a value. That’s easy to implement:

(** [eval_small e] is the [e -->* v] relation.  That is,
    keep applying [step] until a value is produced.  *)
let rec eval_small (e : expr) : expr =
  if is_value e then e
  else e |> step |> eval_small

9.3.4. Defining the Big-Step Relation#

Recall that our goal in defining the big-step relation ==> is to make sure it agrees with the multistep relation -->*.

Constants are easy, because they big-step to themselves:

i ==> i

b ==> b

Binary operators just big-step both of their subexpressions, then apply whatever the primitive operator is:

e1 bop e2 ==> v
  if e1 ==> v1
  and e2 ==> v2
  and v is the result of primitive operation v1 bop v2

If expressions big step the guard, then big step one of the branches:

if e1 then e2 else e3 ==> v2
  if e1 ==> true
  and e2 ==> v2

if e1 then e2 else e3 ==> v3
  if e1 ==> false
  and e3 ==> v3

Let expressions big step the binding expression, do a substitution, and big step the result of the substitution:

let x = e1 in e2 ==> v2
  if e1 ==> v1
  and e2{v1/x} ==> v2

Finally, variables do not big step, for the same reason as with the small step semantics—a well-typed program will never reach the point of attempting to evaluate a variable name:

x =/=>

9.3.5. Implementing the Big-Step Relation#

The big-step evaluation relation is, if anything, even easier to implement than the small-step relation. It just recurses over the tree, evaluating subexpressions as required by the definition of ==>:

(** [eval_big e] is the [e ==> v] relation. *)
let rec eval_big (e : expr) : expr = match e with
  | Int _ | Bool _ -> e
  | Var _ -> failwith "Unbound variable"
  | Binop (bop, e1, e2) -> eval_bop bop e1 e2
  | Let (x, e1, e2) -> subst e2 (eval_big e1) x |> eval_big
  | If (e1, e2, e3) -> eval_if e1 e2 e3

(** [eval_bop bop e1 e2] is the [e] such that [e1 bop e2 ==> e]. *)
and eval_bop bop e1 e2 = match bop, eval_big e1, eval_big e2 with
  | Add, Int a, Int b -> Int (a + b)
  | Mult, Int a, Int b -> Int (a * b)
  | Leq, Int a, Int b -> Bool (a <= b)
  | _ -> failwith "Operator and operand type mismatch"

(** [eval_if e1 e2 e3] is the [e] such that [if e1 then e2 else e3 ==> e]. *)
and eval_if e1 e2 e3 = match eval_big e1 with
  | Bool true -> eval_big e2
  | Bool false -> eval_big e3
  | _ -> failwith "Guard of if must have type bool"

It’s good engineering practice to factor out functions for each of the pieces of syntax, as we did above, unless the implementation can fit on just a single line in the main pattern match inside eval_big.

9.3.6. Substitution in SimPL#

In the previous section, we posited a new notation e'{e/x}, meaning “the expression e' with e substituted for x.” The intuition is that anywhere x appears in e', we should replace x with e.

Let’s give a careful definition of substitution for SimPL. For the most part, it’s not too hard.

Constants have no variables appearing in them (e.g., x cannot syntactically occur in 42), so substitution leaves them unchanged:

i{e/x} = i
b{e/x} = b

For binary operators and if expressions, all that substitution needs to do is to recurse inside the subexpressions:

(e1 bop e2){e/x} = e1{e/x} bop e2{e/x}
(if e1 then e2 else e3){e/x} = if e1{e/x} then e2{e/x} else e3{e/x}

Variables start to get a little trickier. There are two possibilities: either we encounter the variable x, which means we should do the substitution, or we encounter some other variable with a different name, say y, in which case we should not do the substitution:

x{e/x} = e
y{e/x} = y

The first of those cases, x{e/x} = e, is important to note: it’s where the substitution operation finally takes place. Suppose, for example, we were trying to figure out the result of (x + 42){1/x}. Using the definitions from above,

  (x + 42){1/x}
= x{1/x} + 42{1/x}   by the bop case
= 1 + 42{1/x}        by the first variable case
= 1 + 42             by the integer case

Note that we are not defining the --> relation right now. That is, none of these equalities represents a step of evaluation. To make that concrete, suppose we were evaluating let x = 1 in x + 42:

    let x = 1 in x + 42
--> (x + 42){1/x}
  = 1 + 42
--> 43

There are two single steps here, one for the let and the other for +. But we consider the substitution to happen all at once, as part of the step that let takes. That’s why we write (x + 42){1/x} = 1 + 42, not (x + 42){1/x} --> 1 + 42.

Finally, let expressions also have two cases, depending on the name of the bound variable:

(let x = e1 in e2){e/x}  =  let x = e1{e/x} in e2
(let y = e1 in e2){e/x}  =  let y = e1{e/x} in e2{e/x}

Both of those cases substitute e for x inside the binding expression e1. That’s to ensure that expressions like let x = 42 in let y = x in y would evaluate correctly: x needs to be in scope inside the binding y = x, so we have to do a substitution there regardless of the name being bound.

But the first case does not do a substitution inside e2, whereas the second case does. That’s so we stop substituting when we reach a shadowed name. Consider let x = 5 in let x = 6 in x. We know it would evaluate to 6 in OCaml because of shadowing. Here’s how it would evaluate with our definitions of SimPL:

    let x = 5 in let x = 6 in x
--> (let x = 6 in x){5/x}
  = let x = 6{5/x} in x      ***
  = let x = 6 in x
--> x{6/x}
  = 6

On the line tagged *** above, we’ve stopped substituting inside the body expression, because we reached a shadowed variable name. If we had instead kept going inside the body, we’d get a different result:

    let x = 5 in let x = 6 in x
--> (let x = 6 in x){5/x}
  = let x = 6{5/x} in x{5/x}      ***WRONG***
  = let x = 6 in 5
--> 5{6/x}
  = 5

Example 1:

let x = 2 in x + 1
--> (x + 1){2/x}
  = 2 + 1
--> 3

Example 2:

    let x = 0 in (let x = 1 in x)
--> (let x = 1 in x){0/x}
  = (let x = 1{0/x} in x)
  = (let x = 1 in x)
--> x{1/x}
  = 1

Example 3:

    let x = 0 in x + (let x = 1 in x)
--> (x + (let x = 1 in x)){0/x}
  = x{0/x} + (let x = 1 in x){0/x}
  = 0 + (let x = 1{0/x} in x)
  = 0 + (let x = 1 in x)
--> 0 + x{1/x}
  = 0 + 1
--> 1

9.3.7. Implementing Substitution#

The definitions above are easy to turn into OCaml code. Note that, although we write v below, the function is actually able to substitute any expression for a variable, not just a value. The interpreter will only ever call this function on a value, though.

(** [subst e v x] is [e] with [v] substituted for [x], that
    is, [e{v/x}]. *)
let rec subst e v x = match e with
  | Var y -> if x = y then v else e
  | Bool _ -> e
  | Int _ -> e
  | Binop (bop, e1, e2) -> Binop (bop, subst e1 v x, subst e2 v x)
  | Let (y, e1, e2) ->
    let e1' = subst e1 v x in
    if x = y
    then Let (y, e1', e2)
    else Let (y, e1', subst e2 v x)
  | If (e1, e2, e3) ->
    If (subst e1 v x, subst e2 v x, subst e3 v x)

9.3.8. The SimPL Interpreter is Done!#

We’ve completed developing our SimPL interpreter. Recall that the finished interpreter can be downloaded here: simpl.zip. It includes some rudimentary test cases, as well as makefile targets that you will find helpful.

9.3.9. Capture-Avoiding Substitution#

The definition of substitution for SimPL was a little tricky but not too complicated. It turns out, though, that in general, the definition gets more complicated.

Let’s consider this tiny language:

e ::= x | e1 e2 | fun x -> e
v ::= fun x -> e
x ::= <identifiers>

This syntax is also known as the lambda calculus. There are only three kinds of expressions in it: variables, function application, and anonymous functions. The only values are anonymous functions. The language isn’t even typed. Yet, one of its most remarkable properties is that it is computationally universal: it can express any computable function. (To learn more about that, read about the Church-Turing Hypothesis.)

There are several ways to define an evaluation semantics for the lambda calculus. Perhaps the simplest way—also closest to OCaml—uses the following rule:

e1 e2 ==> v
  if e1 ==> fun x -> e
  and e2 ==> v2
  and e{v2/x} ==> v

This rule is the only rule we need: no other rules are required. This rule is also known as the call by value semantics, because it requires arguments to be reduced to values before a function can be applied. If that seems obvious, it’s because you’re used to it from OCaml.

However, other semantics are certainly possible. For example, Haskell uses a variant called call by name, with the single rule:

e1 e2 ==> v
  if e1 ==> fun x -> e
  and e{e2/x} ==> v

With call by name, e2 does not have to be reduced to a value; that can lead to greater efficiency if the value of e2 is never needed.

Now we need to define the substitution operation for the lambda calculus. We’d like a definition that works for either call by name or call by value. Inspired by our definition for SimPL, here’s the beginning of a definition:

x{e/x} = e
y{e/x} = y
(e1 e2){e/x} = e1{e/x} e2{e/x}

The first two lines are exactly how we defined variable substitution in SimPL. The next line resembles how we defined binary operator substitution; we just recurse into the subexpressions.

What about substitution in a function? In SimPL, we stopped substituting when we reached a bound variable of the same name; otherwise, we proceeded. In the lambda calculus, that idea would be stated as follows:

(fun x -> e'){e/x} = fun x -> e'
(fun y -> e'){e/x} = fun y -> e'{e/x}

Perhaps surprisingly, that definition turns out to be incorrect. Here’s why: it violates the Principle of Name Irrelevance. Suppose we were attempting this substitution:

(fun z -> x){z/x}

The result would be:

  fun z -> x{z/x}
= fun z -> z

And, suddenly, a function that was not the identity function becomes the identity function. Whereas, if we had attempted this substitution:

(fun y -> x){z/x}

The result would be:

  fun y -> x{z/x}
= fun y -> z

Which is not the identity function. So our definition of substitution inside anonymous functions is incorrect, because it captures variables. A variable name being substituted inside an anonymous function can accidentally be “captured” by the function’s argument name.

Note that we never had this problem in SimPL, in part because SimPL was typed. The function fun y -> z if applied to any argument would just return z, which is an unbound variable. But the lambda calculus is untyped, so we can’t rely on typing to rule out this possibility here.

So the question becomes, how do we define substitution so that it gets the right answer, without capturing variables? The answer is called capture-avoiding substitution, and a correct definition of it eluded mathematicians for centuries.

A correct definition is as follows:

(fun x -> e'){e/x} = fun x -> e'
(fun y -> e'){e/x} = fun y -> e'{e/x}  if y is not in FV(e)

where FV(e) means the “free variables” of e, i.e., the variables that are not bound in it, and is defined as follows:

FV(x) = {x}
FV(e1 e2) = FV(e1) + FV(e2)
FV(fun x -> e) = FV(e) - {x}

and + means set union, and - means set difference.

That definition prevents the substitution (fun z -> x){z/x} from occurring, because z is in FV(z).

Unfortunately, because of the side-condition y is not in FV(e), the substitution operation is now partial: there are times, like the example we just gave, where it cannot be applied.

That problem can be solved by changing the names of variables: if we detect that a partiality has been encountered, we can change the name of the function’s argument. For example, when (fun z -> x){z/x} is encountered, the function’s argument could be replaced with a new name w that doesn’t occur anywhere else, yielding (fun w -> x){z/x}. (And if z occurred anywhere in the body, it would be replaced by w, too.) This is replacement, not substitution: absolutely anywhere we see z, we replace it with w. Then the substitution may proceed and correctly produce fun w -> z.

The tricky part of that is how to pick a new name that doesn’t occur anywhere else, that is, how to pick a fresh name. Here are three strategies:

  1. Pick a new variable name, check whether is fresh or not, and if not, try again, until that succeeds. For example, if trying to replace z, you might first try z', then z'', etc.

  2. Augment the evaluation relation to maintain a stream (i.e., infinite list) of unused variable names. Each time you need a new one, take the head of the stream. But you have to be careful to use the tail of the stream anytime after that. To guarantee that they are unused, reserve some variable names for use by the interpreter alone, and make them illegal as variable names chosen by the programmer. For example, you might decide that programmer variable names may never start with the character $, then have a stream <$x1, $x2, $x3, ...> of fresh names.

  3. Use an imperative counter to simulate the stream from the previous strategy. For example, the following function is guaranteed to return a fresh variable name each time it is called:

    let gensym =
      let counter = ref 0 in
      fun () -> incr counter; "$x" ^ string_of_int !counter

    The name gensym is traditional for this kind of function. It comes from LISP, and shows up throughout compiler implementations. It means generate a fresh symbol.

There is a complete implementation of an interpreter for the lambda calculus, including capture-avoiding substitution, that you can download: lambda-subst.zip. It uses the gensym strategy from above to generate fresh names. There is a definition named strategy in main.ml that you can use to switch between call-by-value and call-by-name.

9.3.10. Core OCaml#

Let’s now upgrade from SimPL and the lambda calculus to a larger language that we call Core OCaml. Here is its syntax in BNF:

e ::= x | e1 e2 | fun x -> e
    | i | b | e1 bop e2
    | (e1, e2) | fst e | snd e
    | Left e | Right e
    | match e with Left x1 -> e1 | Right x2 -> e2
    | if e1 then e2 else e3
    | let x = e1 in e2

bop ::= + | - | * | <=

x ::= <identifiers>

i ::= <integers>

b ::= true | false

v ::= fun x -> e | i | b | (v1, v2) | Left v | Right v

The binary operators we have specified in bop are meant to be representative, not exhaustive. We could add <, =, and others.

To keep tuples simple in this core model, we represent them with only two components (i.e., they are pairs). A longer tuple could be coded up with nested pairs. For example, (1, 2, 3) in OCaml could be (1, (2, 3)) in this core language.

Also, to keep variant types simple in this core model, we represent them with only two constructors, which we name Left and Right. A variant with more constructors could be coded up with nested applications of those two constructors. Since we have only two constructors, match expressions need only two branches. One caution in reading the BNF above: the occurrence of | in the match expression just before the Right constructor denotes syntax, not metasyntax.

There are a few important OCaml constructs omitted from this core language, including recursive functions, exceptions, mutability, and modules. Types are also missing; Core OCaml does not have any type checking. Nonetheless, there is enough in this core language to keep us entertained.

9.3.11. Evaluating Core OCaml in the Substitution Model#

Let’s define the small and big step relations for Core OCaml. To be honest, there won’t be much that’s surprising at this point; we’ve seen just about everything already in SimPL and in the lambda calculus.

Small-Step Relation. Here is the fragment of Core OCaml we already know from SimPL:

e1 bop e2 --> e1' bop e2
	if e1 --> e1'

v1 bop e2 --> v1 bop e2'
	if e2 --> e2'

v1 bop v2 --> v3
	where v3 is the result of applying primitive operation bop
	to v1 and v2

if e1 then e2 else e3 --> if e1' then e2 else e3
	if e1 --> e1'

if true then e2 else e3 --> e2

if false then e2 else e3 --> e3

let x = e1 in e2 --> let x = e1' in e2
	if e1 --> e1'

let x = v in e2 --> e2{v/x}

Here’s the fragment of Core OCaml that corresponds to the lambda calculus:

e1 e2 --> e1' e2
	if e1 --> e1'

v1 e2 --> v1 e2'
	if e2 --> e2'

(fun x -> e) v2 --> e{v2/x}

And here are the new parts of Core OCaml. First, pairs evaluate their first component, then their second component:

(e1, e2) --> (e1', e2)
	if e1 --> e1'

(v1, e2) --> (v1, e2')
	if e2 --> e2'

fst e --> fst e'
  if e --> e'

snd e --> snd e'
  if e --> e'

fst (v1, v2) --> v1

snd (v1, v2) --> v2

Constructors evaluate the expression they carry:

Left e --> Left e'
	if e --> e'

Right e --> Right e'
	if e --> e'

Pattern matching evaluates the expression being matched, then reduces to one of the branches:

match e with Left x1 -> e1 | Right x2 -> e2
--> match e' with Left x1 -> e1 | Right x2 -> e2
	if e --> e'

match Left v with Left x1 -> e1 | Right x2 -> e2
--> e1{v/x1}

match Right v with Left x1 -> e1 | Right x2 -> e2
--> e2{v/x2}

Substitution. We also need to define the substitution operation for Core OCaml. Here is what we already know from SimPL and the lambda calculus:

i{v/x} = i

b{v/x} = b

(e1 bop e2) {v/x} = e1{v/x} bop e2{v/x}

(if e1 then e2 else e3){v/x}
 = if e1{v/x} then e2{v/x} else e3{v/x}

(let x = e1 in e2){v/x} = let x = e1{v/x} in e2

(let y = e1 in e2){v/x} = let y = e1{v/x} in e2{v/x}
  if y not in FV(v)

x{v/x} = v

y{v/x} = y

(e1 e2){v/x} = e1{v/x} e2{v/x}

(fun x -> e'){v/x} = (fun x -> e')

(fun y -> e'){v/x} = (fun y -> e'{v/x})
  if y not in FV(v)

Note that we’ve now added the requirement of capture-avoiding substitution to the definitions for let and fun: they both require y not to be in the free variables of v. We therefore need to define the free variables of an expression:

FV(x) = {x}
FV(e1 e2) = FV(e1) + FV(e2)
FV(fun x -> e) = FV(e) - {x}
FV(i) = {}
FV(b) = {}
FV(e1 bop e2) = FV(e1) + FV(e2)
FV((e1,e2)) = FV(e1) + FV(e2)
FV(fst e1) = FV(e1)
FV(snd e2) = FV(e2)
FV(Left e) = FV(e)
FV(Right e) = FV(e)
FV(match e with Left x1 -> e1 | Right x2 -> e2)
 = FV(e) + (FV(e1) - {x1}) + (FV(e2) - {x2})
FV(if e1 then e2 else e3) = FV(e1) + FV(e2) + FV(e3)
FV(let x = e1 in e2) = FV(e1) + (FV(e2) - {x})

Finally, we define substitution for the new syntactic forms in Core OCaml. Expressions that do not bind variables are easy to handle:

(e1,e2){v/x} = (e1{v/x}, e2{v/x})

(fst e){v/x} = fst (e{v/x})

(snd e){v/x} = snd (e{v/x})

(Left e){v/x} = Left (e{v/x})

(Right e){v/x} = Right (e{v/x})

Match expressions take a little more work, just like let expressions and anonymous functions, to make sure we get capture-avoidance correct:

(match e with Left x1 -> e1 | Right x2 -> e2){v/x}
 = match e{v/x} with Left x1 -> e1{v/x} | Right x2 -> e2{v/x}
     if ({x1,x2} intersect FV(v)) = {}

(match e with Left x -> e1 | Right x2 -> e2){v/x}
 = match e{v/x} with Left x -> e1 | Right x2 -> e2{v/x}
     if ({x2} intersect FV(v)) = {}

(match e with Left x1 -> e1 | Right x -> e2){v/x}
 = match e{v/x} with Left x1 -> e1{v/x} | Right x -> e2
      if ({x1} intersect FV(v)) = {}

(match e with Left x -> e1 | Right x -> e2){v/x}
 = match e{v/x} with Left x -> e1 | Right x -> e2

For typical implementations of programming languages, we don’t have to worry about capture-avoiding substitution because we only evaluate well-typed expressions, which don’t have free variables. But for more exotic programming languages, it can be necessary to evaluate open expressions. In these cases, we’d need all the extra conditions about free variables that we gave above.

9.3.12. Big-Step Relation#

At this point there aren’t any new concepts remaining to introduce. We can just give the rules:

e1 e2 ==> v
  if e1 ==> fun x -> e
  and e2 ==> v2
  and e{v2/x} ==> v

fun x -> e ==> fun x -> e

i ==> i

b ==> b

e1 bop e2 ==> v
  if e1 ==> v1
  and e2 ==> v2
  and v is the result of primitive operation v1 bop v2

(e1, e2) ==> (v1, v2)
  if e1 ==> v1
  and e2 ==> v2

fst e ==> v1
  if e ==> (v1, v2)

snd e ==> v2
  if e ==> (v1, v2)

Left e ==> Left v
  if e ==> v

Right e ==> Right v
  if e ==> v

match e with Left x1 -> e1 | Right x2 -> e2 ==> v
  if e ==> Left v1
  and e1{v1/x1} ==> v

match e with Left x1 -> e1 | Right x2 -> e2 ==> v
  if e ==> Right v2
  and e2{v2/x2} ==> v

if e1 then e2 else e3 ==> v
  if e1 ==> true
  and e2 ==> v

if e1 then e2 else e3 ==> v
  if e1 ==> false
  and e3 ==> v

let x = e1 in e2 ==> v
  if e1 ==> v1
  and e2{v1/x} ==> v