7.2. Mutable Fields#
The fields of a record can be declared as mutable, meaning their contents can be
updated without constructing a new record. For example, here is a record type
for two-dimensional colored points whose color field c
is mutable:
type point = {x : int; y : int; mutable c : string}
type point = { x : int; y : int; mutable c : string; }
Note that mutable
is a property of the field, rather than the type of the
field. In particular, we write mutable field : type
, not
field : mutable type
The operator to update a mutable field is <-
which is meant to look like
a left arrow.
let p = {x = 0; y = 0; c = "red"}
val p : point = {x = 0; y = 0; c = "red"}
p.c <- "white"
- : unit = ()
- : point = {x = 0; y = 0; c = "white"}
Non-mutable fields cannot be updated that way:
p.x <- 3;;
File "[5]", line 1, characters 0-8:
1 | p.x <- 3;;
Error: The record field x is not mutable
e1.f <- e2
Dynamic semantics: To evaluate
e1.f <- e2
, evaluatee2
to a valuev2
, ande1
to a valuev1
, which must have a field namedf
. Updatev1.f
. Return()
.Static semantics:
e1.f <- e2 : unit
ife1 : t1
andt1 = {...; mutable f : t2; ...}
, ande2 : t2
7.2.1. Refs Are Mutable Fields#
It turns out that refs are actually implemented as mutable fields. In
we find the following declaration:
type 'a ref = { mutable contents : 'a }
And that’s why when the toplevel outputs a ref it looks like a record: it is a
record with a single mutable field named contents
let r = ref 42
val r : int ref = {contents = 42}
The other syntax we’ve seen for refs is in fact equivalent to simple OCaml functions:
let ref x = {contents = x}
val ref : 'a -> 'a ref = <fun>
let ( ! ) r = r.contents
val ( ! ) : 'a ref -> 'a = <fun>
let ( := ) r x = r.contents <- x
val ( := ) : 'a ref -> 'a -> unit = <fun>
The reason we say “equivalent” is that those functions are actually implemented not in OCaml itself but in the OCaml run-time, which is implemented mostly in C. Nonetheless the functions do behave the same as the OCaml source given above.
7.2.2. Example: Mutable Singly-Linked Lists#
Using mutable fields, we can implement singly-linked lists almost the same as we did with references. The types for nodes and lists are simplified:
(** An ['a node] is a node of a mutable singly-linked list. It contains a value
of type ['a] and optionally has a pointer to the next node. *)
type 'a node = {
mutable next : 'a node option;
value : 'a
(** An ['a mlist] is a mutable singly-linked list with elements of type ['a].
RI: The list does not contain any cycles. *)
type 'a mlist = {
mutable first : 'a node option;
type 'a node = { mutable next : 'a node option; value : 'a; }
type 'a mlist = { mutable first : 'a node option; }
And there is no essential difference in the algorithms for implementing the operations, but the code is slightly simplified because we don’t have to use reference operations:
(** [insert_first lst n] mutates mlist [lst] by inserting value [v] as the
first value in the list. *)
let insert_first (lst : 'a mlist) (v : 'a) =
lst.first <- Some {value = v; next = lst.first}
(** [empty ()] is an empty singly-linked list. *)
let empty () : 'a mlist = {
first = None
(** [to_list lst] is an OCaml list containing the same values as [lst]
in the same order. Not tail recursive. *)
let to_list (lst : 'a mlist) : 'a list =
let rec helper = function
| None -> []
| Some {next; value} -> value :: helper next
helper lst.first
val insert_first : 'a mlist -> 'a -> unit = <fun>
val empty : unit -> 'a mlist = <fun>
val to_list : 'a mlist -> 'a list = <fun>
7.2.3. Example: Mutable Stacks#
We already know that lists and stacks can be implemented in quite similar ways. Let’s use what we’ve learned from mutable linked lists to implement mutable stacks. Here is an interface:
module type MutableStack = sig
(** ['a t] is the type of mutable stacks whose elements have type ['a].
The stack is mutable not in the sense that its elements can
be changed, but in the sense that it is not persistent:
the operations [push] and [pop] destructively modify the stack. *)
type 'a t
(** Raised if [peek] or [pop] encounter the empty stack. *)
exception Empty
(** [empty ()] is the empty stack. *)
val empty : unit -> 'a t
(** [push x s] modifies [s] to make [x] its top element.
The rest of the elements are unchanged. *)
val push : 'a -> 'a t -> unit
(** [peek s] is the top element of [s].
Raises: [Empty] if [s] is empty. *)
val peek : 'a t -> 'a
(** [pop s] removes the top element of [s].
Raises: [Empty] if [s] is empty. *)
val pop : 'a t -> unit
module type MutableStack =
type 'a t
exception Empty
val empty : unit -> 'a t
val push : 'a -> 'a t -> unit
val peek : 'a t -> 'a
val pop : 'a t -> unit
Now let’s implement the mutable stack with a mutable linked list.
module MutableRecordStack : MutableStack = struct
(** An ['a node] is a node of a mutable linked list. It has
a field [value] that contains the node's value, and
a mutable field [next] that is [None] if the node has
no successor, or [Some n] if the successor is [n]. *)
type 'a node = {value : 'a; mutable next : 'a node option}
(** AF: An ['a t] is a stack represented by a mutable linked list.
The mutable field [top] is the first node of the list,
which is the top of the stack. The empty stack is represented
by {top = None}. The node {top = Some n} represents the
stack whose top is [n], and whose remaining elements are
the successors of [n]. *)
type 'a t = {mutable top : 'a node option}
exception Empty
let empty () = {top = None}
let push x s = s.top <- Some {value = x; next = s.top}
let peek s =
match s.top with
| None -> raise Empty
| Some {value} -> value
let pop s =
match s.top with
| None -> raise Empty
| Some {next} -> s.top <- next
module MutableRecordStack : MutableStack