8. Data Structures#
Efficient data structures are important building blocks for large programs. In this chapter, we’ll discuss what it means to be efficient, how to implement some efficient data structures using both imperative and functional programming, and learn about the technique of amortized analysis.
Of course, we’ve already covered quite a few simple data structures, especially in the modules chapter, where we used lists to implement stacks, queues, maps, and sets. For stacks and (batched) queues, those implementations were already efficient. But we can do much better for maps (and sets). In this chapter we’ll see efficient implementations of maps using hash tables and red-black trees.
We’ll also take a look at some cool functional data structures that appear less often in imperative languages: sequences, which are infinite lists implemented with functions called thunks; lazy lists, which are implemented with a language feature (aptly called “laziness”) that suspends evaluation; persistent arrays, which offer performance that can often be constant time while being persistent; promises, which are a way of organizing concurrent computations that has recently become popular in imperative web programming; and monads, which are a way of organizing any kind of computation that has (side) effects.