8.6. Persistent Arrays#

OCaml’s built-in array type offers constant-time get and set operations. But it is an ephemeral data structure. That leads to the question: could we have persistent arrays, and if so, how good of performance could we get?

Here is the interface we would like to implement:

module type PersistentArray = sig
  type 'a t
  (** The type of persistent arrays whose elements have type ['a]. The
      array indexing is zero based, meaning that the first element is at
      index [0], and the last element is at index [n - 1], where [n] is 
      the length of the array. Any index less than [0] or greater
      than [n - 1] is out of bounds. *)

  val make : int -> 'a -> 'a t
  (** [make n x] is a persistent array of length [n], with each element
      initialized to [x]. Raises [Invalid_argument] if [n] is negative
      or too large for the system. *)

  val length : 'a t -> int
  (** [length a] is the number of elements in [a]. *)

  val get : 'a t -> int -> 'a
  (** [get a i] is the element at index [i] in [a]. Raises [Invalid_argument]
      if [i] is out of bounds. *)

  val set : 'a t -> int -> 'a -> 'a t
  (** [set a i x] is an array that stores [x] at index [i] and otherwise is
      the same as [a]. Raises: [Invalid_argument] if [i] is out of bounds. *)
module type PersistentArray =
    type 'a t
    val make : int -> 'a -> 'a t
    val length : 'a t -> int
    val get : 'a t -> int -> 'a
    val set : 'a t -> int -> 'a -> 'a t

That interface essentially the same as OCaml’s Array module, but reduced to just four essential functions.

We’ll next see three implementations of that interface. Each will achieve progressively better performance. Our final implementation is based on Conchon and Filliâtre (2007); see the end of this section for citations.

8.6.1. Copy-On-Set Arrays#

The easiest implementation of persistent arrays is to just make a copy of the entire array on each set operation. That way, old copies of the array persist—they are not changed by later set operations. Here is the implementation:

module CopyOnSetArray : PersistentArray = struct
  type 'a t = 'a array

  (** Efficiency: O(n). *)
  let make = Array.make

  (** Efficiency: O(1). *)
  let length = Array.length

  (** Efficiency: O(1). *)
  let get = Array.get
  (** Efficiency: O(n). *)
  let set a i x =
    let a' = Array.copy a in (* copy the array *)
    a'.(i) <- x; (* mutate one element *)
module CopyOnSetArray : PersistentArray

We pay a large price for set in this implementation: instead of \(O(1)\) like array, it is \(O(n)\). We’ll improve on that in our next implementation.


Before moving on, let’s pause and consider one aspect of CopyOnSetArray that is different than any data structure we’ve seen before. The interface it satisfies is written in the functional style, but the implementation uses imperative features. Note that the set operation does not return unit; instead, it produces a new array out of an old array. Underneath the hood, it achieves that persistence despite using an ephemeral data structure, the array. A lesson we can learn is that it is possible to build persistent data structures in imperative languages using the features they provide.

8.6.2. Version-Tree Arrays#

The expensive set operation in copy-on-set is doing way too much work. Even though only one array element is being changed, all of the array elements are copied. To achieve better performance, we could eliminate the copying and instead keep a little log of all the set operations that have occurred. Each entry in the log would need to record just one change that has been made. For example, suppose we had the following sequence of operations:

let a0 = make 3 0
let a1 = set a0 1 7
let a2 = set a1 2 8
let a3 = set a1 2 9

Our log would say:

  • a0 is [|0; 0; 0|]. That takes linear space to store.

  • a1 is the same as a0 except that index 1 is 7. That takes only constant space to store.

  • a2 is the same as a1 except that index 2 is 8. Again, constant space.

  • a3 is the same as a1 except that index 2 is 9. Again, constant space.

Note how both a2 and a3 share the same base array a1, but diverge in different ways by setting index 2 to either 8 or 9. So the structure of this log is best represented not as a list, but as a tree:

       (entry for a0)
       (entry for a1)
       /            \
(entry for a2)     (entry for a3)

Each of the nodes in that tree tell us what different versions of the array should be. That idea leads us to introduce the following tree type:

type 'a version_tree =
  | Base of 'a array
  | Diff of int * 'a * 'a version_tree
type 'a version_tree = Base of 'a array | Diff of int * 'a * 'a version_tree

A Base node contains the base version of the array; in our example above, that would be a0. A Diff node records a difference that is created by a set operation. The version tree for our example above would look like this:

              (Base [|0; 0; 0|])      <---- a0
                  (Diff 1 7)          <---- a1
                 /          \
a2 ----> (Diff 2 8)        (Diff 2 9) <---- a3

The tree itself is shown in the middle of that diagram. The pointers for a0 through a3 are to individual nodes of that tree and capture each of the persistent versions of the array.


In understanding this version tree type, there is a possibly helpful analogy to association lists. Each of the Diff nodes is like a cons cell in an association list: both contain a pair of a key (the array index) and a value (the element at that index). Moreover each cons cell then continues onto another cons cell until eventually reaching the the base case of nil, just like a version tree eventually reaches the base case of a Base node. The Base node is a little more interesting than the empty list though, because it contains an entire array.

Set. To implement set a i x, all we have to do is create a new Diff node:

let set a i x = Diff (i, x, a)
val set : 'a version_tree -> int -> 'a -> 'a version_tree = <fun>

The efficiency of that is merely \(O(1)\), which is a great improvement over copy-on-set arrays.

Get. To implement get a i, we just have to walk a path in the tree starting at a to find the first Diff that records a change in index i. If there never is such a change found, we can return the value at that index in the Base node:

let rec get a i =
  match a with
  | Base b -> b.(i)
  | Diff (j, v, a') ->
      if i = j then v else get a' i
val get : 'a version_tree -> int -> 'a = <fun>

The efficiency of that implementation is \(O(k)\), where \(k\) is the number of set operations that have been performed on the persistent array. In the worst case, all of those set operations were performed on a different index than we want to get, and they were all performed without creating any branches in the tree — for example, make 2 0 |> set 0 1 |> set 0 2 |> ... |> set 0 k |> get 1. Then the tree degenerates to a linked list, and get is forced to walk down the entire list to the Base node to find the original value.

Note that \(k\) might be much bigger or much smaller than \(n\), the size of the array. So in improving the performance of set, we potentially worsened the performance of get. In our next implementation, we’ll return to this issue and improve the performance of get.

Version-tree implementation. Pulling it all together, here is an implementation of persistent arrays using version trees:

module VersionTreeArray : PersistentArray = struct
  (** AF: A rep such as [Diff (i, x, Diff (j, y, Base a))] represents the 
      array [a] except element [j] is [y] and element [i] is [x]. If there 
      are multiple diffs for an index, the outermost wins. E.g.,
      [Diff (i, x, Diff (i, y, Base a))] represents an array whose 
      element [i] is [x], not [y]. *)
  type 'a t =
    | Base of 'a array
    | Diff of int * 'a * 'a t

  (** Efficiency: O(n). *)
  let make n x = Base (Array.make n x)

  (** Efficiency: O(k), where k is the number of [set] operations that have
      been performed on the array. *)
  let rec length = function
    | Base b -> Array.length b
    | Diff (_, _, a) -> length a

  (** Efficiency: O(k). *)
  let rec get a i =
    match a with
    | Base b -> b.(i)
    | Diff (j, x, a') ->
        if i = j then x else get a' i

  (** Efficiency: O(1). *)
  let set a i x = Diff (i, x, a)
module VersionTreeArray : PersistentArray

8.6.3. Rebasing Version-Tree Arrays#

With version trees, we achieved constant-time set operations for a persistent array, but get operations were no longer constant time — they were \(O(k)\) where \(k\) was the number of set operations that had been perfromed. Is there a way to make both operations constant time while still being persistent? The answer is: almost!

Right now, the original version of the array as stored in the Base node is primary and always has constant-time access with get. We are going to introduce a new rebasing operation that can make any other version of the array become primary. Then that version will have constant-time access with get, even though other versions will still be \(O(k)\). When a version \(v\) of an array is accessed (either with length or set), we will mutate the version tree to make \(v\) primary. That means changing the Base node to store the contents according to \(v\), and adjusting Diff nodes as needed to compensate for that change in the base.

Since we will now be mutating trees, the representation type needs to change to add a level of indirection:

type 'a rebasing_tree = 'a node ref
and 'a node =
  | Base of 'a array
  | Diff of int * 'a * 'a rebasing_tree
type 'a rebasing_tree = 'a node ref
and 'a node = Base of 'a array | Diff of int * 'a * 'a rebasing_tree

Make and set. The make and set operations require just the insertion of a call to ref to adapt to the new representation type:

let make n x = ref (Base (Array.make n x))
let set a i x = ref (Diff (i, x, a))
val make : int -> 'a -> 'a node ref = <fun>
val set : 'a rebasing_tree -> int -> 'a -> 'a node ref = <fun>

Their efficiency is unchanged: \(O(n)\) for make, and \(O(1)\) for set.

Rebase. To rebase a tree we introduce a new recursive helper function rebase : 'a rebasing_tree -> 'a rebasing tree such that rebase t mutates tree t to make the version of the array represented by t be primary. Therefore, when rebase returns t is guaranteed to be a ref to a Base node.

There are two cases to consider. First, if t is a ref to a Base node, then our work is already done. That version is already primary.

Second, if t is a ref to a Diff node, then we have work to do. That node has the form Diff(i, x, t') where t' represents another version of the array. We call rebase on t' to make it primary; after that, t' must be a ref to a Base node. That means we have the following situation, where a is an array:

t  ---> Diff (i, x, t')
t' ---> Base a

To make t primary, we just need to swap those nodes around, as well as swap the values found at index i. Suppose that in the Base node a.(i) is y. We mutate a.(i) to be x; let’s call that array a'. And we create a new Diff node with y:

t  ---> Base a'
t' ---> Diff (i, y, t)

Now t is primary and represents the same version of the array as it did before the rebase.

Here is the code that implements rebasing:

let rec rebase a =
  match !a with
  | Base b -> b
  | Diff (i, x, a') ->
      let b = rebase a' in
      let old_x = b.(i) in
      b.(i) <- x;
      a := Base b;
      a' := Diff (i, old_x, a);
val rebase : 'a rebasing_tree -> 'a array = <fun>

The efficiency of rebase is \(O(k)\), because there could be up to \(k\) Diff nodes between t and its original Base. Immediately after calling rebase t, any further calls to rebase t will be only \(O(1)\), because t is now primary.

Get and length. Now that we have rebase, there is only a small modification needed to length and get to call rebase:

let length a = Array.length (rebase a)
let get a i = (rebase a).(i)
val length : 'a rebasing_tree -> int = <fun>
val get : 'a rebasing_tree -> int -> 'a = <fun>

The efficiency of these is the same as rebase: \(O(k)\) on the first call, then \(O(1)\) on future calls as long as no other version of the array has been accessed in the mean time.

Rebasing version-tree implementation: Pulling it all together, here is an implementation of persistent arrays using rebasing version trees:

module RebasingVersionTreeArray : PersistentArray = struct
  type 'a t = 'a node ref
  (** See [VersionTreeArray]. *)

  and 'a node =
    | Base of 'a array
    | Diff of int * 'a * 'a t

  (** Efficiency: O(n). *)
  let make n x = ref (Base (Array.make n x))

  (** Efficiency: O(k), where k is the number of diffs between this version
      of the array and its base. At most, that is the number of [set] 
      operations performed on all versions of the array. If there aren't 
      any diffs, O(1). After a [rebase], remains O(1) until a different 
      version of the array is accessed. Not tail recursive. *)
  let rec rebase a =
    match !a with
    | Base b -> b
    | Diff (i, x, a') ->
        let b = rebase a' in
        let old_x = b.(i) in
        b.(i) <- x;
        a := Base b;
        a' := Diff (i, old_x, a);

  (** Efficiency: Same as [rebase]. *)
  let length a = Array.length (rebase a)

  (** Efficiency: Same as [rebase]. *)
  let get a i = (rebase a).(i)

  (** Efficiency: O(1). *)
  let set a i v = ref (Diff (i, v, a))
module RebasingVersionTreeArray : PersistentArray

With rebasing we now have \(O(1)\) get and set operations on the primary (most recently accessed version) of the array. We pay an \(O(k)\) price to change to a new primary version, but after that, access to it remains \(O(1)\) until another rebase occurs.

8.6.4. Citations#

Our final implementation is most similar to that of Sylvain Conchon and Jean-Christophe Filliâtre (A persistent union-find data structure, ACM Workshop on ML, 2007). They credit Henry Baker for the idea of version trees (Shallow binding in LISP 1.5, CACM 21:7, 1978) and rebasing (Shallow binding makes functional arrays fast, SIGPLAN Not., 26(8):145-147, 1991).